MO: is a portrayal of the abstract ideas found in the meeting between Eastern and Western cultures through a livable art space. It is a multi-disciplinary space which combines the creativity of a variety of artists, architects, designers, local artisans, astrologers and alternative natural therapists. Their collaboration combines concrete techniques and abstract ideas to give a new holistic meaning to MO space; a physical living space.
MO rooms: Each of the TWELVE rooms is an individual artist’s interpretation of THEIR Chinese Zodiac (Sheng Xiao or Birth Animal). The construction MO’s exterior structure was a collaborative project which saw designers, architects and astrologers piling different sizes of the box-shaped rooms on top of each other in accordance with Feng Shui ASTROLOGY. Artists APPLIED the identity of Birth Animal, influencing the entire BUILDING process from the initial concept TO the unique style of furniture and interior to fit with each zodiac. THE orientation and design of doors, windows, beds and toilets AS WELL AS the interpretation of the FIVE body elements (Fire, Wind, Water, Earth and Metal) ARE ALL CONSTRUCTED to provide balance for MO guests.mo design team seeks new possibilities of spatial organization via the blending of past and present ideologies into a livable sculpture.
MO: integrating ancient concept with contemporary practice, attempting to bind the relation between humans and the nature around us through the artist’s design in partnership with Chinese astrology, Feng Shui, alternative healing food according to five element. MO believes that if we look closely at the laws of nature, all the disciplines are interrelated and interconnected. Even “the furthest star at edge of the universe could send its energy to link with us”.
MO aspires to reveal and communicate to new open space and bring about a sensational spatial experience of one’s being from one moment to the next in this livable art piece.
MO: alivable sculpture that nourishes each new individual’s sensation of art. It is our hope that mo guests will gain new dimensions of art. It is our hope that mo guests will gain new dimensions of art experiences through sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste along with alternative thoughts and individual interpretation of the environment.
Conceptualized by Mit Jai Inn